viernes, 14 de septiembre de 2018


Watch this video again and answer the questions below.

1. What is biodiversity?
2. How many species have been identified on Earth so far?
3. Which is the main reason of biodiversity loss?
4. How can we contribute to foster biodiversity?

By Marimí and Mayra

54 comentarios:

  1. 1-Is degree of variation on life
    2-1.75millions of species
    3-The animal extintion
    4-Choose another lifestyle

  2. 1 Biodiversity is the variet of living things on our planet.
    2 There are more than two millon especies identified.
    3 The main reason of biodiversity loss is the human activti.
    4 We can contribute not using the car.

  3. 1.Biodiversity is all that we see around
    2.There are two million species.
    3.The deforestation.
    4.We can contribute protecting the ecosystems.
    Kenneth 5ºC

  4. 1 Biodiversity is all living things on Earth
    2 There are 350000 animals far
    3 the reasons of biodiversity are hybridisation ,over harvesting,global climate change,and human activity
    4 changing our life style

  5. 1.Biodiversity represents every thing that lives on earth.
    2.There have been six species identified on Earth so far.
    3.The main reason of biodiversity loss is that the humans are intervening it´s cycle.
    4.We can contribute doing less roads, not doing recreation and tourism and using less water.

  6. 1: The biodiversity is the degrees of every encion of life.
    2: They are 3500 spicies identified on earth.
    3: The main reason of biodaversity loss is the gloval climate change by human activities.
    4: We can contribute creating space for other animals.


  8. that is a bear and a rabbit rabbit dead 35000 te human no cars o motos
    rodrigo 5c

  9. 1. Biodiversity is the varaety of species in the world.
    2. There are one million of identified species in the world.
    3. The main reason of biodiersity loss is becuse of the polution.
    4. Turning the tap off, taking a shower instead of taking a bath.

  10. 1. Biodiversity is the numbers of different individuals and life-forms in an area
    2. There are 350.000 species in the world
    3. The causes of biodiverdity lose is anthropogenic factors and global climate change.
    4. To foster biodiversity is important to recycle the maximum waste generated by man.

    By Adrian de Antonio 5ºC

  11. 1.Biodiversity is the number of different individuals and life-forms in an area.
    2.On Earth they have been identify 1,9 million species.
    3.Because the climate change caused by human activities.
    4. We can manage our land better,growing more than one crop or creating cities with space for other species.

  12. 1.- Biodiversity is the number of different living things that live on the Earth.

    2.- There are more than two million different species on the Earth, but there are still many more to discover.

    3.-The main reason of biodiversity loss is the action`s humans like, pollution, over harvesting, global climate change, etc.

    4.- To foster biodiversity we must take care of the Earth and respect the nature

    by Cecilia 5º B

  13. 1. What is biodiversity?

    Biodiversity is the number of different individuals and life-forms in an area

    2. How many species have been identified on Earth so far?

    8.7 million

    3. Which is the main reason of biodiversity loss?

    Deforestation, pollution and global warming

    4. How can we contribute to foster biodiversity?

    Do not cut trees and use less paper

    Diego Mendoza

  14. 1.Biodiversity is the variety of spieces on Earth.
    2.There are 7 bilion people.
    3.Because we don´t take care of Earth and of living things.
    4.Go to school walking or on bicycle.And to take care of animals.

  15. 1-Biodiversity represent everything lives on Earth.
    2-There have been identified 1,75 million of species.
    3-The main reason of biodiversity loss is human activity.
    4-We can choose a more sostenible life style.

  16. 1.Biodiversity is life,it reapresent everything that lives on Earth.It,s the fruit of billions years of evolution.Maria Ioana Cuciureanu.

    1. 2.There had identified 1 million seven hundred and fifty thousand species.

    2. 3. The main reason that biodiversity los it,s human activity.

    3. 4.We can contribute by choosing a sostenible life style.Maria Ioana Cuciureanu

  17. biodiversity it's living things in eart.
    they are identified 1.7 million species.
    because the people don't protect biodiversity.

    protecting biodiversity

  18. 1 Biodiversity represents everything that lives on Earth.
    2 There have been identified 1.75 million species on Earth so far.
    3 People in reach countries are the principle cause of biodiversity loss.
    4 We can choose a most sostainable lifestyle to contribute Foster biodiversity.

  19. 1*biodiversity is live.
    2*thirteen millions
    3*that the animals extinguish
    4*One formto contribute biodiversity is to choose a most sustainable lifestyle

  20. 1 Biodiversity is all we have 2 1,7 millions of speaces 3 Of big cities 4 Plant trees and flowers Ramón 5-C

  21. I´dont want biodiversity to disappear.... Nico 5º C.

  22. 1. The biodiversity is everything that lives on Earth.

    2.Abaut 1.75 million species.

    3.The main reason is consumption patterns of people in rich countries.

    4.We can choose a more sustainable lifestyle.

    Carmen 5ºC

  23. there are 1.5 million speces Daniel 5b

  24. Blanca Espinosa 16 of september16 de septiembre de 2018, 3:11

    1-biodibersity represents everything that lives on Earth
    2-there have been identified 1.75 million species on Earth so far
    3-the main reason of biodiversity loss is the consuption patterns of people in rich countries
    4-we can contribute to foster biodiversity by choosing more sustainable lifestyles

  25. 1.Biodiversity represents everything lives on Earth.
    2.There are 1.75 million especies that have been identified on Earth so far.
    3.Consumption patterns of people in rich countries are the principal cause of biodiversity loss.
    4.We can contribute to foster biodiversity is to choose a more sustainable lifestyle.

  26. 1.Biodiversity represents everything that lives on Earth.
    2.1,75 million species have been identified.
    3.Consumption patterns of people in rich countries are the principal cause of biodiversity loss.
    4. We can contribute to foster biodiversity choosing a more sustainable lifestyle.
    (NICO 5º C).

  27. 1 biodiversity is all that lives on Earth
    2 we found 1.7 million species
    3 the cities are the reason will loss biodiversity
    4 we can go by bicicle, walking ...

  28. Águeda Mardomingo 5ºA16 de septiembre de 2018, 4:59

    1.What is biodiversity? Biodiversity is the variety of living things on Earth.
    2.How many species have been identufied on Earth? 1.75 million species have been identified on Earth.
    3.Which is the main reason of biodiversity loss? The main reason of biodiversity loss is human activity.
    4.How can we contribute to foster biodiversity? We can foster biodiversity planting new trees.

  29. 1.biodiversity is everything that live on earth

  30. 1.Biodiversity is life ,it feeds us, it gives us water, it protect us ETC...
    2.They had identified 13.000.000 of species on Earth.
    3.The main reason loss of Biodiversity are countries and contamination.
    4.We can educate humans and respect Environment.

  31. 2.There arae so far 1.75 Million species identify

  32. 3. The main reason of biodiversity loss is the human activity

  33. 1-The enormous varyety of living things in the earth.
    2-There are identyfive 1.75 million of species
    3-The countries are the principal cause of biodiversity loss.
    4-We can contribute to foster biobersity is to choose a mira sustaimable lifestyle.
    Marcos Arias

  34. 4.We can contribute to foster biodiversity is to chouse the most stainable lifestyle

  35. Biodiversity is the variety of living things in our planet
    1.75 millions species
    Rich countries are main cost of biodiversity loss
    Choose a more more stainable life style

  36. 1- Bodiversity is everything that lives on eartrh
    2- There are 1.75 billion species indentify on earth
    3- The main reason of biodiversity loss is the comsuption pattenrs of people in rich countries
    4- We can contribute to foster biodiversity crhosing more sustainablea live style
    ELISA 5A

  37. Biodiversity is live there are 1.7 speces cause the polucion and contaminacion we have to protect protect protectics areas and use more bikes Manu 5C

  38. Daniel Morcillo Daniel Montero16 de septiembre de 2018, 10:29

    1. Biodiversity is life
    2. So far we identify 1.75 million species
    3. The consumption patterns of people in rich countries
    4. We can contribute to foster biodiversity choosing a more sustainable lifestyle

  39. 1.Is all live on Earth.
    2.1.75 billón and scientist think that there are 13 billón o idetify.
    3.The chemical conponents the waste of wáter and the global climate change.
    4.Trying to not use cars.
    Pablo Huerga.

  40. 1:Biodiversity is everything that lives on earth.
    2:1.750 especies.
    3:People in rich countries.
    4:choosing a more sostenible lifestile.

  41. 1 .Biodiversity represents everything that lives on Earth.
    2. 1.65 million types of species had beeen identified so far.
    3. The consumption patterns of rich people in developed countries.
    4. By choosing a more sustainable way of life.

  42. 1. biodiversity is everything that live on earth.
    2. 17.5 million species.
    3. humans
    4. not to cut the trees.
    Maialen 5c

  43. 1, Biodiversity represents all that lives on earth
    2, Therteen million of spicies lives on earth
    3, The polution and the bad used of the forest.
    4, Travel by bicicle and dont used so much Water

  44. 1.It`s everything that lives on Earth
    2.1.75 millions
    3.The consumption patterns of people in rich countries
    4.We can chooose a more sustainable lifestyle

    Carmen Fraga

  45. 1.Biodiversity is the numerous of living creatures on earth.
    2.1.75 millions species on the earth but scientifics belive that there are 30 million species .
    3.the human activities of rich countries . choose a sostenible life style.
    by Claudia 5.A

  46. 1-Biodiversity is the people,plants and animals that populate the Earth.
    3-Because of the contamination and the actitude of the people.
    4-Respecting the natural hábitat and taking care of the enviroment.

  47. 1-Biodiversity is plants,humans,and animals on Earth
    2-there are 1.75 million spicisso far
    3-Because people don`t take care of oceans and there`s many rubbies on the see
    4-if people don`t contaminate the oceans because then when we eat fish we eat fish with plastic.And then we put bad
    LAURA 5c

  48. 1.Biodiversity i´ts everithing that lives on earth
    2.1.75 million
    3.The main reason is our pollution and the extncion of animals
    4.not cutting the trees and plant more plants (Choose a new lifestyle)

  49. Some of your answers to question 2 are wrong. The right answer is 1.75 million species have been identified so far.

  50. 1. Everything that lives on Earth
    2. About 1.75 million spicies
    3. Pattern of consumption
    4. We need education
    Jorge Gonzalez Perez 5B
