miércoles, 24 de febrero de 2016


"Pay it Forward"
 What´s your favourite part of the chain?

By Mayra

51 comentarios:

  1. I love this video! My favorite part is when the young boy helps the elderly lady carry her groceries. ¨

    Here is the link to the website for Random Acts of Kindness movement: https://www.randomactsofkindness.org/

    Check it out and be inspired! There are tons of ideas for acts you can do randomly to show kindness to others. There are also lots of stories you can read.

    ¨The ripple effect starts with one. One person to hold open a door. One person to leave a note on someone’s car complimenting their awesome parking skills. One person to write a thank you letter to a teacher. One person to be a spark of kindness when another really needs it. Here are a plethora of ways to be that person.¨

  2. I like the video a lot because it try to tell us we have to be kind with people including the people you don´t nkow them and you´ll never see it again.
    I realy like the part when a guy buy a hot dog and bottel of water too (thebottel of water gave to him
    the boy 's hot dog cart )for a person that was realy hungry

  3. Alejandra.L 6*B :-)25 de febrero de 2016, 8:00

    My favorite part is when a girl gives flowers to a lady. My sister loves the part when a woman returns the wallet to a man :-)

  4. My favorite parte its when the poor person helps the girl. It is a very good video and I hope we can all learn from it.

  5. My favourite part is when the gierl gave some flowers to the woman at the restaurant an then the woman of the stand gave arose to the girl

  6. it is a very good video and is an act of kindness to help each other

    Mario Pérez 6ºA

  7. My favourite part is when they help the poor person with some food

  8. My favorite part of the video is when the boy helps the old woman because I think we have to help old people.

  9. Claudia Almazán 6ºB25 de febrero de 2016, 9:11

    I really liked the part when the young girl sees an elderly woman that is sad and buys a bouquet of flowers for the woman. I also liked the part when the homeless man sees that the young girl has forgotten her phone and goes running to grab and gives it back.

  10. I like this video a lot but my favourite part is when the guy paid a hotdog for a poor person. I want to do this with my class on day

  11. María Gómez 6ºA25 de febrero de 2016, 9:52

    I like this video a lot. My favourite part is when the man gives the tramp a hot dog and water.

  12. I liked a lot.My favourite part was when the man gave food to the poor person.It is fantastic.

  13. My favorite part of this video is when the child helps the old woman to cross the zebra pasode.

  14. Carmen Ballesteros 6ºA25 de febrero de 2016, 10:25

    My favorite part is when de man gives a hot dog and water to de poor man, that is very kind!

  15. I really like this video because it is very nice to help each other. My favourite part is when the man gave a hot dog and a bottle of water to a homeless that was in the city.

  16. The favour I like the most is the hot dog one, because is a double favour, because is kindness of the suitcase guy and the boy of the hot dog cart, because he gives him water for the homeless man.

  17. My favourite part of the chain is when the young boy helps the old womman to carry the heavy bags , because I think when you need help you like other people to help you.
    If I were the old womman I would be very happy and I would think the boy has been very kind to me.

  18. I like alot this video!!!!!
    My favourite part is when the bussinenessman gives food to the poor.

  19. Manuel Torio
    I think we can do this in real life, is a way to do a happy world.

  20. Manuel 6ºB
    My favourite part of the video is when the worker helps the guy that fell with the skate.

  21. María García 6ºB25 de febrero de 2016, 11:38

    This video is very beautiful. My favourite part is when the man of the cap gives to the poor the hot dog and the bottle of water.

  22. Jimena Vázquez 6°A25 de febrero de 2016, 12:49

    I like a lot this video because is ver nice helping people and also be help.
    My favorite part is when a man buys food to a poor man he see con the street.

  23. My favourite part of the chain is when a man gives some food to a poor man that is in the street.
    If i were the man i would be very happy.I think this video makes you think,because if you help someone,she or he would return the favour to another person

  24. I'm glad you liked the video.
    Now it's time for the 3rd graders to make their comments

  25. me ha gustado cuando el señor le da comida y agua al pobre.

  26. My best part is the end of the chain because then you want to be kind to others.

  27. Me ha gustado mucho por que siempre viene bien ayudar a la gente y hacer favores, me Ha gustado mas cuando el niño ayuda a la persona mayor porque deja de patinar para ayudar a la persona mayor :)

  28. Me ha gustado todo. ¡ A mi también me gusta hacer favores!

  29. me a gustado mucho no puedo elegir y la musica tambien me a gustado

  30. I like it a lot, my favourite part is when the man gives a hot dog to the poor man that is in the street, but I also like when the first man that appears it is the last one that you can see.
    Thank you for sharing this video with us.
    Inés Alonso Pérez 6ºB

  31. My favourite part is when the man is going to buy a hot dog and he saw a poor man and he bought two.But the best part is that there are two favours because the man of the shop also gave him some water

  32. I liked the video a lot!
    My favourie part was when the kid help the old woman to cross the zebra crossing.

  33. Me encanta la cadena de favores, mi parte favorita es cuando el señor le compra comida a un pobre.

  34. I like this video a lot!
    My favourite part is when the young boy helps a man to take out a suitcase.

  35. I

    I liked when the man buys a hot dog for the poor guy.

  36. Marina P. 3°A
    I like the video and the music too.My favourite part is when the man gives food and water to the homeless.if you're a good person will return the favours.

  37. I really like this video because i love helping people and in the video they are helping each other all the time , is a very nice thing we all should do.

  38. I like this video because the people that appear on it, are helping each other constantly

  39. I think this video could be a reference and a reflection to most of the people. My favourite part is when the boy helps the old woman to carry her shopping bags to the other side of the zebra crossing but I liked it generally because it could be an example of how we should be with other people we don't know

  40. Raquel Muriel 6º A1 de marzo de 2016, 9:52

    I like this video because, in my opinion, what they want to show you is that making favours to other people is good and you can be payed with another favour. My favourite part is when the teenager buys the woman at the restaurant a bunch of flowers.

  41. SARA MARCELA 6ºA2 de marzo de 2016, 7:20

    I like this video very much because when it finish you want to do your chain of favours. I like the part of the biginin of the chain when the builder help the boy that feels down and the is when the chain stars.

  42. Alejandra Hernández Rico2 de marzo de 2016, 9:02

    I love this video because,I think the best thing you can do is helping other people.My favourite part is when the man buys one hot dog but he see another poor man and he buy him another hot dog and a water bottle.

  43. It is a great video, my favourite part is when a man buys to hot dogs and one is for a poor man in the street.
    Now i will try to be nicer.

  44. Me ha gustado mucho la parte cuando el señor le da comida al pobre.ADIOS

  45. la parte que mas me ha gustado es cuando la chica le ha dado un ramo de flor a la persona del bar.

  46. Me ha gustado cuando el chico le ayuda a coger la maleta a y tambien la musica

  47. me ha gustado mucho cuando le compra un perrito caliente a un pobre y el de los perritos calientes le regala una botella para el pobre

  48. Ana Mudarra 3ºA4 de marzo de 2016, 1:41

    Me ha gustado mucho todo pero lo que más me ha gustado es cuando el señor le da agua y comida al pobre.¡A mi también me gusta hacer favores!

  49. Ana Mudarra 3ºA4 de marzo de 2016, 1:51

    me ha gustado mucho el video de la cadena de favores es super chula mi parte favorita a sido cuando el pobre le da el mobil a la adolescente ¡Que detallazo

  50. a mi tambien me ha gustado es muy bonito la musica me encanta.Mi parte favorita es la del pobre que coge el movil y se lo da a la jovencita.

  51. me ha encantado el video es precioso

    la gente que ayuda es tan amable
