martes, 15 de marzo de 2016


By Mayra

22 comentarios:

  1. Alejandra.L 6*B :-)18 de marzo de 2016, 1:03

    I think the video is fantastic

  2. I liked this video because it is very nice to do the same as them. My favourite part is when the rock gave a flower to de scissors. I didn't like the bad papers. I want more videos like this.

  3. I think this video show us that we are all the same and the differences doesent make anyone worse

  4. Claudia Almazán 6ºB22 de marzo de 2016, 6:38

    I really like it! I think if we were all born the same it would not be fun and we would all do the same things and be like robots. We should treat other people well and with kindness.

  5. Manuel Torío

    I really like this video. It shows the differences betwen us, that we are not the same. Like different races.

  6. Clara Sanz Riomoros28 de marzo de 2016, 0:17

    I really like the video,because one of the things that I really like is the sentence of the end "Be together, not the same".An other thing I like is the pictures.

  7. María García 6ºB28 de marzo de 2016, 10:40

    I think this video is very nice.

  8. Elena 6B.
    I really enyoy this video!
    I think that with this video you learn a lot about humans.
    Nice characters!

  9. I think this video shows you many important things.
    I hope you post more videos like this one.

  10. Me gusta porque demuestra que aunque seamos distintos podemos ser amigos.

  11. Me ha gustado mucho.La parte que mas me ha gustado es cuando se ayudan.
    el personaje que mas me ha gustado es el papel.

  12. I like this video very much. I have lernt that some people seem really bad but are really good. I like the little rock with its hair of flowers too.

  13. Beatriz Rodriguez7 de abril de 2016, 10:03

    me ha gustado mucho. Me parece que enseña cosas muy importantes

  14. Me ha gustado mucho el video, es my bonito.

  15. ¡Me ha encantado el vídeo!Lo que más me ha gustado es que aprendemos una cosa: tenemos que ser amigos aunque no seamos iguales.

  16. Me ha gustado mucho el video por que aunque seamos diferentes podemos ser amigos

  17. Me gusta este video, mi parte favorita es cuando el papel espanta a las rocas.

  18. Me gusta este video , mi parte favorita es cuando el papel espanta a las rocas.

  19. i like when the scissors help the paper and the paper help the rock.ITS good have friends

  20. I like this video very much.And naw I now that ... Be togeder not the same. I like the Paper and the little Rock.
